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Sunday, November 29, 2020


 Thanksgiving is behind us and Christmas is coming up real soon! This may be your last chance for holiday shopping if you want to get those gifts in time to go under the tree.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Something Special is Coming Soon!

 I'm working on a new project utilizing a passion that I have. Here's a preview of what's to come, sort of. Enjoy the movie and I'll make an announcement about this real soon!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Domains For Sale

So, I've decided to flip a few domains that I've got. I just don't have the time to develop the sites for these domains. They already get traffic, so that's a bonus. They are very intuitive and great business domains if they fit the area of your venture. What business models would work with these domains? Let's take a look.

Saturday, October 17, 2020


It's talked about all the time - residual income. But what is it? What does that phrase mean?

Friday, October 9, 2020

"Playing" The Crypto Game

I know people who literally spend all of their free time playing video games. The only reward they get is the good feelings when they unlock an achievement or goal or complete the game (not often with the new game universes). But they don't earn any money. They memorize all sorts of tricks and shortcuts, codes, patterns, but no real in-life reward. But what if you could play another "game" that has cheat codes, patterns, tricks and systems that actually gave you a monetary in-life reward when you achieve a goal, finish a "level" or work through a problem in the "game"? Wouldn't that be more interesting than any FPS game?

Thursday, October 1, 2020

BOOM - Q3 Investment Results Are In!



(Brannan's shop at Sutter's Fort)

Ever heard of Samuel Brannan? He was California's first millionaire, making a killing during the gold rush of the 1840s. But he didn't make his money mining for gold. Rather, he made his fortune selling supplies to the miners - wheelbarrows, tents, jeans, pickaxes, etc.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Newest Products at TripleClicks

TripleClicks is the marketplace for the Strong Future International (SFI) business opportunity. Sellers from all around the world sell goods and services there. From my own personal experience, however, the best seller to buy from is located right here in the United States and is TripleClicks Direct. This seller, obviously, is the main TripleClicks distributor and a subsidiary of SFI and the Zing Network.

Last week, they released a list of over 20 new products. These products are also being featured in the Astro Auctions now, so they are sure to be in stock at the time of this writing. Here's the link to my product collection featuring these new products:

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Discipline of Working From Home

Many people ask what is the most difficult part of working from home. That's easy. It's the schedule or lack thereof. It's the discipline needed to get up in the morning and "get to work." Without direct supervision, many of us that come from an employee background find ourselves struggling to prioritize our time and eventually the struggle extends to even getting started each day.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Have FUN while you make money online!

Some people will tell you that they are having fun hosting parties and selling potions, lotions, and notions to friends and family, but what do YOU really think about that idea? What if I told you that you could play games in your free time and share those online through social media, and make money off of the sales of game tokens that enhance FREE online games? Now THAT sounds like real fun, doesn't it?

Sunday, September 20, 2020

So, what can I do to make money from home?

People are always asking me what they can do to make money from home. Many people are now telecommuting to their workplace via the internet and attending company meetings through Zoom. But, a job is still a job, right? I mean, what can you really do from home to earn back some of your personal time? Trading time for dollars isn't a way to wealth, and it takes away from your personal time with your family. Think about it. You can only earn so much, as there are only so many hours in the day and we all have to sleep! 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Work From Home Jobs

As you've probably noticed during the stay at home order during this pandemic, there are some jobs that you can work from home. Others are deemed "essential," and they go on working their normal schedule with a change in procedures to include social distancing and enhanced cleaning, etc.

But the big question bugging people who aren't working right now is what can they do to work from home. Let's take a look at some work at home jobs and what YOU can do to be able to earn an income from your living room or home office.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Back in the game with crypto!

I've decided to get back into the trading game with cryptocurrencies. Find out why I've decided to do this and what my plans are for trading long-term.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

How to Work From Home With Kids

It dawned on me today that many people are struggling with the new-to-them concept of how to work from home with kids. Since I have over 12 years of experience doing just that, I thought I would take a few minutes out of my day to share some things that have helped me over the years.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Everybody's Working For ... ?

The song goes, "everybody's working for the weekend," and while that is certainly true for most people, many my age (and younger) have begun to focus on something a little more goal-oriented. No, I'm not talking about creating a secondary income or working from home today. I'm talking about retirement. Building that ever-elusive nest egg so that when the time comes to retire we don't have to take a job as a door greeter at a big box chain store.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Home School vs School at Home: Week One

Well, we just completed our first week of doing school at home. I'll go ahead now and use that as my excuse for not blogging this past week, lol. Let me tell you, this is a big change not only for the adults but for the kids as well. They just aren't used to doing ALL of their schoolwork at home, and it sucks.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Spring Break, School Closings, and Working From Home

What working from home is really like.

Working from home is a mixed bag, contrary to public perception, especially if you have kids. Summertime is rough, but if you can keep them engaged in other activities, it's not too bad. Spring break is the same way. But what happens when an unprecedented emergency, like the coronavirus pandemic, closes schools for an unspecified amount of time, and suddenly you're homeschooling your kids? Yikes!

Stressed out? Play some FREE online games!

We all get stressed out from time to time, don't we? Well, take a look at these FREE online games and see if you can't find one or two to help take the edge off. (Click on any of the images below to get started!)

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Covid-19 and The Working From Home Wake Up Call

In the wake of the global pandemic created by the Covid-19 virus, working from home has become more of a necessity in many companies, rather than an optional idea. Telecommuting is taking place at companies you never thought it would. Colleges and universities are closing campuses and rerouting all classes and learning online. It's an unprecedented time in our world for the power of the internet.

Friday, March 13, 2020

VIsualization: How to Create a Modern-day Dream Board

I was recently inspired by something I read to update my "bucket list." You've probably heard of the term before. It's a list of things you want to do in this life before, you know, you "kick the bucket." It occurred to me that if we represented these items as images, this would be almost identical to the old-school dream boards (yes, I know many people still teach and use them) that were taught for decades.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Let's Talk About Money and Honesty

Let's take a few minutes to talk about compensation and honesty in marketing. 

Money is, of course, why people get into any business. Every business owner wants to make money.

There are many people who will advertise pie-in-the-sky numbers. Just remember, there is no such thing as "get rich quick." Anything that allows you to make quick money can disappear just as quickly, leaving the last members to join holding the bag with losses sometimes in the thousands of dollars. You don't want to get caught holding the bag.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Goal Setting Part One

Do you set goals? 
Short, medium, and long term goals?
Are they realistic goals (we'll cover this more in an upcoming blog post)?

Setting goals and keeping them front and center can help your business more than you can imagine.
Let's take a closer look.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Associates or Customers: Which do YOU have?

Do you have associates or customers?

Affiliate marketing is about selling products and signing up other affiliates to participate in the business. 

Network marketing is also about selling products and signing up other marketers to participate in the business.

So, what's the difference?

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

I Feel Like I'm Cheating By Using This Website

Yes, it's true.

I feel like I'm cheating by using this website. 
It's a site that I've been promoting on IBO Toolbox for a while now, but I thought that perhaps it deserves a little more detail into what it is and how it can help anyone with an online business to increase their sales.

Monday, March 2, 2020

My name is Michael, and I'm a business opportunity addict!

Several months ago, I removed 80% of the people on my Facebook "Friends" list. I had decided it was time to move on from networking my business on the social media website. Was that the right move? I don't know, but it did help me realize something this week.

"My name is Michael, and I'm a business opportunity addict!"

Friday, February 28, 2020

Online Gaming: Don''t Miss The TIDAL WAVE

The gaming industry is expected to hit $300 billion by 2025, with over 72% coming from mobile gaming. That's billion with a "B". Let that sink in for a minute. 

Who wouldn't like a piece of that industry?

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Retirement: Are You Ready?

Worried about your retirement?
First, let me say that I'm publishing this press release for those who are in my same age bracket, let's say 45 to 65. Retirement age is getting closer and closer. Some are well prepared, while some of us (like me) failed to plan and are now looking to create a nest egg in a relatively short period of time.

Monday, February 24, 2020

8 Common Objections and How to Overcome Them

When you're in the sales and marketing business, objections come in many different shapes and sizes. Here are eight of the most common objections you'll get when promoting a business opportunity to a friend or relative, otherwise known as your "warm" market. Enjoy!

IBO Toolbox Interview

Last week I was contacted by an associate over on IBO Toolbox to do an "interview" for a series of interviews he's been doin on IBO Champions - anyone who has been a Featured Member of The Day at least three times. This associate, Herb Ratsch, has the entire series published on his own website in a series called Success Stories. Here's a short excerpt and a link to the press release over on IBO Toolbox ...

Thursday, February 20, 2020

How To Make Money Online: Direct Sales

I hear from people every day who want to make money online, but they simply don't have any startup capital to work with. They don't have any money to invest in products or even entry fees into various business opportunities. Sure, there are "free" opportunities out there, but even then you have to have a certain amount of sales to qualify for commissions. 

Friday, February 7, 2020

Facebook: Is it still useful to an internet marketer?

Facebook has long been heralded as a great website to not only stay in touch with friends and family, but for internet marketers to share their wares. Affiliate marketers would share the links to their products, as would drop shippers, resellers, and mom and pop shops with their homemade products.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Top streaming services to help you cut the cord in 2020

All you need to take advantage of these top streaming video services to help you cut the cord in 2020 is a high-speed internet connection and a Roku device. Alternately you can use other devices like an Amazon Fire Stick or Apple TV, etc., but all of these may not be available on other devices. I'm basing this off of my personal experience with a Roku. There are a ton of other free "knock-off" channels, but these are my favorites as of the time of this blog post.