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Monday, March 2, 2020

My name is Michael, and I'm a business opportunity addict!

Several months ago, I removed 80% of the people on my Facebook "Friends" list. I had decided it was time to move on from networking my business on the social media website. Was that the right move? I don't know, but it did help me realize something this week.

"My name is Michael, and I'm a business opportunity addict!"

Yes, I finally have to admit it to myself. You see, this is my third time with SFI. For around 18 months prior to my return to SFI, I was working the iCoinPro plan and trading cryptocurrencies. Before that was SFI. Before that was iCoinPro (yes, I was a founding member!). Before that (and I'm still "in" the business) was CTFO - a CBD products company. Oh yeah, and let's not forget FutureNet!

You see, I've been in one business opportunity or another for over 20 years. You may be asking yourself, "Why on Earth would I follow this guy after he's failed for 20 years?!" Well, let me tell you.

I've learned more about internet, affiliate, and network marketing in the last 20 years than most people will ever know. I've failed more times that most. I've taken more chances than most. I've lost more money than most. But I believe the old adage about keep on failing until you succeed. Am I just a dreamer? I certainly hope so!

Let me back up for a minute. Remember how I mentioned I've been with SFI three times? Why do you think I've kept coming back. There are many reasons to get involved with SFI, but here are my personal reasons that I keep coming back ...

  • Over 20 years in business (the whole time I've been searching!!!)
  • Millions of affiliates worldwide (available in over 200 countries)
  • Real products and services that people want and use
  • Free (with upgrades!) gaming network to promote
  • Real people. Just reading through the forum, there are real people making money with SFI, and they have been for years - some for the full 20!
  • SFI adapts and overcomes obstacles, creating new products, and evolving the business
  • SFI is where I've made the most money, secondary to crypto trading (which I still do on my own, apart from any company)
These reasons were enough for me to come back to SFI once again. They may or may not influence your decision to get involved with me in this business venture. I can't promise you'll make money. But I can promise you that'll I'll be with you every step of the way to support your efforts. As the old saying goes, you'll be in business for yourself but not by yourself. 

So, what do you say? Are you ready to make some real money online? Then join me in SFI and let's do this! I've already got over 370 people on my team this year alone. I want to help YOU duplicate my efforts for YOURSELF and help you make money as well. 

What are you waiting for? Click on the banner below to get started for FREE, no obligation.

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