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Thursday, February 12, 2009

How to ...

You fill in the blank. Have you ever wondered exactly how to do something? Maybe you've wondered how to speak Spanish, how to play golf, get out of debt or even become a substitute teacher? Wouldn't it be nice to save a little money and do some research first on these topics? Maybe you could to some things all by yourself, you know, the DIY method. Well, Mahalo has "how to" guides written on these and a host of many other subjects. Check out the list below and see if something doesn't strike your fancy. I know the first one has appealed to me. :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

2009 Grammy Awards

The next big project we've been working on over at Mahalo is our coverage of the upcoming 2009 Grammy Awards. There are lots of interesting nominees and tons of great performances to look forward to. We've created the pages in advance so you can relax and check out the performances after the fact, if you miss the live television broadcast. Got a favorite from the awards show, view it again with these links. If you want to learn more about the Grammy Award nominees and performers for the 2009 Grammy Awards, then check out these pages...

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Super Bowl Ad Frenzy

Well, it's that time of the year again - the time when advertisers spend millions of dollars to catch our attention during the most watched television event of the season: The Super Bowl. But this is the digital age of the Internet and information, so why should you have to wait? Here is a great collection of information about this year's Super Bowl ads. As you will see, many have already made their way onto the viral video scene. Enjoy!