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Saturday, January 2, 2016

How To Start An Online Business For Free, Today!

Learn how to start an online business for free.

I know the title sounds hype-y, but here's why I used it. I was approached recently by someone who is is involved in several online ventures. This person has had great success ... much better than I have had at this point, to be honest. I knew this person was legit because we used to be co-workers of sorts, when we both worked remotely for a startup out of Sana Monica.

What Does Training Cost?

So, when this person recommended a training program to me on how to do online business, SEO, traffic, Amazon sales, etc., I was very interested. I knew that she wasn't blowing smoke up my rear and that whatever was contained in this training program was material that she had found extremely helpful on her path to a five figure a month income (yes, that's five figures per month). If you knew the person was legit, who wouldn't be interested?

The problem came when I watched a few videos an was ready to sign on the dotted line. So what's the catch, right? Well, the training isn't free. Not even a sampler, lol. It's an annual fee of $8000 OR a monthly payment of $700. Wowza! Now I ask you, who has enough disposable income to afford that? I certainly don't. It's unfortunate, too, because I can see through her success that whatever she's doing is working. I just don't have that kind of cashflow to put into a business expenditure right now.

Why Is Training Even Necessary? 

So what is someone supposed to do if they want to start an internet business? I thought one of the big things about starting an internet business rather than a brick-and-mortar business was the cost, right? Grab a domain and some hosting for a few bucks a month and you're off to the races. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work that way. It can, but it's rare. To be successful in an online business requires some knowledge that we aren't born with and therefore must be learned. Thus, training is very important.

The good news for those who can't afford big-ticket training like the system I described above, there are cheaper alternatives. Are they teaching the same things? I don't know. But I do know they have successful people, just like the aforementioned group. You have to ask yourself this ... is it better to get started and do what I can at the financial level that I'm at now, or give up on my dream and quit. (Hint: NO QUITTING!!!)

What's the Answer?

So, what's my solution? Wealthy Affiliate, of course. Here's why. Wealthy Affiliate allows you to start for free. That's right. You can start your very own online business today, for free. You'll even get two websites of your very own to work with. This also includes step-by-step video tutorials on how to pick your niche, how to pick keywords, how to set up your WordPress site.

It really doesn't get any easier than this unless you've got the money to pay someone to do it for you (in which case, contact me, lol). Then, when you're ready, to you can move to the premium version, which has tons of advanced training and live chat answers, etc.. Of course, the premium version isn't free, but at $47 a month I think it's a lot more affordable than anything else I've looked at.

Check it out. See what you think. Set up a website, or two. Let me know what you think. Have any question, let me know about those as well. I truly want 2016 to be the best year yet ... for both of us.

Wealthy Affiliate is an online business you can start for free, today.

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