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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I'm Back!!!

I have no idea what we're going to do in this space just yet, but I'm back after a hiatus here on the Real Men Stay Home blog of over six years. Wow! We have a lot of catching up to do, don't we? Where to begin ...

  • We had another child in 2011, a boy. So that makes four in all, two boys and two girls. The good news is that we finally figured out what causes this, and have taken steps to ensure no more kids at this point, while not sacrificing any of the fun practicing. ;)
  • Since 2009 I've worked as a blogger and editor for the Tsavo/Ovast network (now defunct), Tecca (Best Buy's attempted tech blog, now also defunct), content producer for MySpace Entertainment (again, long gone), and am currently a content producer and SEO specialist (independent contractor) with a company out of Seattle. 
  • I / we have launched several blogs and websites over the years without any stellar standout successes, but that's okay. We offer our online and offline media services locally, and have a few clients here and there. I'm still pushing the online marketing ideas and trying to learn how to build my online empire, lol.
I'll have to look back over the blog and see what else was the "status quo" at the time I left, so more updates will be coming. Meanwhile, where have you been? How are things going for you and what have you been up to?

If you're still subscribed here or happen to wander in, leave a comment and let us know!

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