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Sunday, July 6, 2008

First Time Garden Plot

Well, this year marks our first attempt at a semi-regular garden plot. I say that because we did try a garden several years ago, but it was more experimental than practical. This year we decided to lean towards the practical side.

Using some of the methods for spacing and crop layout based on the book, "Square Foot Gardening" by Mel Bartholomew, we've planted and even experienced our first harvest. Now as novice gardeners, we were way late on the draw getting this thing in the ground. Around here in our neck of the woods, it's not uncommon for folks to start planting some things in March as our last frost is usually no later than March 30th. Unfortunately, because of our dependence on someone else's tiller, our plants didn't get into the ground until the last week in May - so we missed all the great springs showers for free watering.

Despite this fact, we have experienced some dramatic success and I thought I would share it with you here on the blog. Learning as we go, I'm taking notes for next year, that's for sure. (Actually, i've discovered quite a few crops that I can grow through the winter here because of our mild climate!) So if you've never planted a garden before, take heart dear reader, it can be done! This is just our latest and most visible step toward more self-sufficiency. Next year I'm hoping for two things: (a) to be on our own land, and (b) to have a large enough garden to do some basic canning for food storage.

Zucchini Squash...

Cantaloupe Melon ...

Onions ...

Okra ...

A wonderful family ...

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