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Monday, June 23, 2008

Today in Weather History

Just checking my e-mail and noticed this little blurb at the end of my daily weather forecast:

"This data in Weather History... In 1919, an F5 tornado tore a path of destruction through Fergus Falls, Minnesota. 59 people were killed and 400 buildings were destroyed.

In 1947, twelve inches of rain fell in Holt, Missouri in just 42 minutes.

In 1972, the remnants of Hurricane Agnes dumped 10 to 20 inches of rain across Maryland, Virginia, New York, and Pennsylvania. Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania was inundated by flood waters after a dike was breached, which caused $3.5 billion in damage."

Huh. Funny how we always think that our current predicament is worse than its ever been before. Judging from this blurb, 2008 may turn out to be just another average year. Oh well, so much for the harbingers of doom.

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