Those were the words of Shakespeare. Or at least that's what we are told. They might just be the words of Frances Bacon. Nevertheless, they ring a truth that transcends the ages and drives home a startling point: you shouldn't try to fool yourself.
I have come full circle. As I write this tonight, I have had what perhaps has been the most overwhelming epiphany of my life. All my life I have tried to rise above some invisible thread that holds me back. Always at the top of my class, but never where I wanted to be. At every turn, just when success would seem to be within my grasp, I would fail to gain the prize. I have always felt above average and called to have some significant destiny ... to rise above my peers.
I realized today that's not it at all. The truth of the matter is, I'm just an average Joe. I don't have any super destiny awaiting my in a pot of gold at the end of some rainbow. I have what I have right now, and that is it.
I have a contract job, working 40 hours a week - an average Joe.
I have a wife and three kids - an average Joe.
I don't own my own Internet start-up, and I never will - an average Joe.
I've never made a six-figure income, and I never will - an average Joe.
I struggle from month to month just to make ends meet for our family - an average Joe.
I'm not the husband nor the father that I should be - an average Joe.
So much for having anything really meaningful to share with you. I'm not a real blogger. I'm not a "real man" as the title implies. In fact, the truth is I'm nothing more than an average Joe.
So, without further ado, I believe I will lay this blog to rest. After all, there's not much point in me wasting my time on here. You're not even listening. How do I know? Because I'm just an average Joe.
Good Bye and Good Night to all the average Joes out there.
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