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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Looking Ahead at 2017

As January comes to a close, I realize that it's not the usual time for goal setting, prognosticating, making resolutions, or otherwise looking forward to the rest of the year. That's okay. Most of the time those all fall by the wayside. My goals for this year are simple. I'm going to have my personal best year ever. That's it. Upward and onward!

The two main things I'll be changing this year in order to make this happen are 1) eliminating negativity, and 2) focusing on the positives in life. I don't believe anyone can truly be successful unless the eliminate negativity and begin producing positivity in their life.

You'll be reading more over the coming weeks as I share my adventures through 2017 with you. Whether you're a long-time reader (can't imagine I've managed to keep many of those, lol) or a new visitor, I encourage you to bookmark the site. Come back every so often.

I hope to keep things fresh and amusing, but most importantly to inspire you to do and try new things in 2017 to make it your best year ever as well.

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